Katie Mummah's Picture

My name is Katie Mummah. I'm a nuclear engineer and clean energy advocate. It’s nice to meet you.

Latest Articles

Reusing radioactive waste... no, not that type

Reusing radioactive waste... no, not that type

Turning waste material into power is one of the great ambitions of atomic energy. Recycling used nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants happens in a few countries around the world, but this isn’t the only way to re-use old nuclear...

Isotope or Nuclide? A short guide

Isotope or Nuclide? A short guide

Using precise and accurate terminology is not always the most important thing when you’re, say, shitposting on Twitter, but I’ve noticed there is frequent confusion online about the term isotope, and exactly what it refers to. Also, what is a...

Reading list on risk communication

Reading list on risk communication

Nuclear engineers have to be communicators; the very name of our field invites curiosity and questioning. Yet many, maybe most, nuclear engineering students get no formal training in communicating science to the public, let alone a deep dive into the...

This Earth Day, Don't Look Away

This Earth Day, Don't Look Away

When is the last time you engaged with the negative impacts or harms perpetuated by nuclear reactors or the nuclear fuel cycle? For many nuclear engineers and nuclear energy advocates, we primarly engage with these subjects during, or to prepare...